Sunday, November 6, 2011

Edamame Jalapeno Hummus

Okay, I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it's really good!!

I made this healthy, yummy snack for one of our last boat trips of the summer …. If you’re a foodie like me then you know it’s not always about where you’re going as much as it is about the yummy food you’ll have when you get there.  We divide our boating preparation activities and you can guess who’s in charge of food and snacks J No day of boating would be complete without some sort of yummy snacks, that’s just how we roll.
I really enjoy making hummus at home rather than buying because it’s extremely easy and you can control the consistency, flavor, spice, and sodium.  I tend to like my hummus on the creamy side with lots of heat.
In a last minute dash I whipped up this healthy and tasty Edamame and Jalapeno Hummus using fresh jalapenos from our garden.  You can control the heat by adding more/less jalapenos to this recipe. It’s great with pita chips, tortilla chips, cracker, or if you’d like to be extra healthy you can also enjoy with endive spears for a healthy, low carb treat.
1 Can of organic garbanzo beans
6 oz. Frozen Edamame beans
2 Whole Jalapeno peppers
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Pulse all ingredients together in a food processor, and voilĂ , it’s done! Pulse more for a smoother creamier texture or less for a chunkier hummus.

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