Monday, April 16, 2012

Protein Pancakes

Protein pancakes? Yes!  You heard me correctly, the most amazing, moist, fluffy protein packed pancakes.

So....summer is coming and I've been on this tremendous health kick.  I've been working out like a mad woman and feeling absolutely amazing.  In order to get the most out of my work outs I've made a huge effort to eat healthier and to eat out less.  This recipe does just that.  It's super simple, I've been whipping up a batch before work and enjoying these bad boys on the road.

This recipe is a more palatable version of a body builder's fav.  I tried the original version which consists purely of egg whites and protein powder, unfortunately they taste just like it sounds.  I used chocolate protein powder and they tasted like chocolate egg whites.  My version is flavorful, moist, and delicious.  My secret?  Sweet potato puree.  Sweet potatoes are naturally high in fiber and vitamin B6 while only adding 90 extra calories.

To make the sweet potato puree, I stuck the sweet potatoes on a baking sheet in a 375 degree oven until fork tender.  When they're done, let them cool slightly and remove skin.  Put the potatoes in a
food processor and let her rip.  Blend until completely smooth.

This recipe is packed with 34 grams of protein and 264 calories.

1/2 cup sweet potato puree
3 egg whites
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl and cook in a large non-stick pan with a light spray if non-stick spray.  When you see tiny bubble drift to the top, you'll know they're ready to be flipped.

I eat them plain, but you could serve with fresh berries, apple butter, fresh whipped cream or whatever your heart desires.  I think you'll find them delicious as is.

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