Sunday, July 24, 2011

My First Official Blog Post!

Welcome to my blog! I have a tremendous passion for food and cooking and like most foodies these days, I love taking photos of my culinary adventures.  To spare my Facebook friends from endless food photos, I've decided to channel this energy into a food blog.  I've had no formal culinary training, but if you consider countless hours of the Food Network and Cooking Channel, then I guess you could say I'm somewhat of an expert.  

I've been passionate about food for as long as I can remember.  I have fond memories of enjoying some amazing meals with my family as a child.  Both of my parents are phenomenal cooks and would argue that their food tastes better because the main ingredient is love.  While each, separately, would like to take credit for how I turned out, the truth is, they are both amazing parents and I dedicate this blog to them.  I would also like to dedicate this blog to my boyfriend for being my guinea pig and trying all of my easy eats and critiquing my sometimes not so tasty treats. Love you guys!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy!

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