Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Thirst Quencher For Champs!

I love, love, love a good Sangria. It's my go-to wine choice if offered when I'm dining out. It's made a dozen different way with a few different twists.  Today, I started out simple with a few things on hand and voilĂ .... some of the most amazing Sangria I've ever had!

For starters, I would say the most important thing to this drink is time, I made it this morning and let it sit in the fridge all day. You've got to give it time to meld together and get all happy.  Second, I used agave instead of sugar, it makes me feel less guilty about drinking it.  If you've never used it, you must! It's much better for you than refined sugar and it takes a lot less to sweeten things up.  Trust me on this one.

Here's what I put in:

2 cups of red wine, I used Cabernet Sauvignon (nothing fancy, some good ol' two buck chuck never hurt anyone)
1/4 cup brandy
3-4 tablespoons organic agave 
1/2 large orange
1/2 peach
1/2 apple

Easy-peasy.  Thinly slice the fruit and place in a container that has a lid.  I suggest using a lid to keep the other refrigerator flavors out.  Add wine, brandy, and agave, stir and let sit for a few hours.  To serve, pour your deliciousness into a glass, add a few pieces of your marinated fruit and top with sparkling water, I prefer the lime flavored sparkling water.  It adds a nice zing and some bubbly freshness.  Enjoy!

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