Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Creamy Broccoli And Pistachio Pesto With Sharp White Cheddar Over Whole Wheat Pasta

If my mom had prepared veggies like this for me when I was a kid, I certainly would have eaten a lot more of them!  This pasta is delightfully light and healthy yet rich creamy at the same time, no one would ever know it's made almost entirely of broccoli!

Not really sure where this recipe came from, I heard someone say something the other day about having to trick their kids into eating vegetables and I've recently become obsessed with broccoli and just happened to have a ton on hand, and well, the rest just sort of happened.

For me, cooking isn't about precise measurements or how well you can follow instructions, its about a love for food and passion for ingredients.  My hope for this blog isn't that people will follow recipes to a tee, rather that they will become inspired to recreate and make them their own.  For this recipe, I used pistachios, but I think it would be great with walnuts or even almonds, whatever you have on hand.  I also tried to keep it light and cut the fat and calories by using chicken broth, but you can also use milk, cream or water.


2 cups broccoli
2 tbsp coconut oil
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup pistachios (or whatever kind of nut you'd like)
1/2 cup sharp white cheddar cheese
1 tsp red chili flakes
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 package of whole wheat pasta

Heat 2 tbsp of coconut oil over medium, add broccoli and sauté until tender outside with a slight crunch inside.  In a food processor add pistachios and cooked broccoli and blend.  Stream olive oil while food processor is on high, after oil is incorporated, add chicken broth until you've reached the desired consistency.  If you like it thinner and creamier, add more.  Next, add cheese and red chili flakes, taste and add salt and pepper as needed. 

Fill a medium sized pot 3/4 way full, bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp salt and add pasta.  Cook pasta until al dente, strain and mix with creamy broccoli pistachio pesto with sharp white cheddar cheese.

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